National Council of Women

We represent women's views and concerns at the highest levels of government and are determined to make sure that discrimination is eradicated from all areas of society.


The aims of the National Council of Women of Great Britain are:

  • To promote the establishment and maintenance of human rights for the people of the United Kingdom
  • To work to improve the quality of life for all
  • To secure the removal of discrimination against women and to encourage the effective participation of women in the life of the nation
  • To act as a co-ordinating body to which societies with similar aims may affiliate
  • To affiliate to the International Council of Women, forming a link with the National Councils of Women throughout the world, and to work for international peace and understanding.

NCWGB aims to bring together women of all ages to learn more about local, national and international affairs that affect us all. We want to get your views on issues that matter and to have them heard at the highest levels of Government.